Tony Snow’s “Warrior” in Iraq, Michelle Malkin, documents utter failure

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Tony Snow: what went wrong?

Dear Leader’s PR flack Tony Snow designated Michelle Malkin as a new warrior in the WH’s “media war”…..attempts to prevent the truth coming out about Iraq. Of course, MM has gone to Iraq, on a fool’s errand, but is now sending back stuff showing how bad it really is.

Yes, there is danger and chaos and unspeakable bloodshed in parts of Baghdad. Sectarian violence–compounded by everyday street crime and tribal conflict–is rampant. Corruption, incompetence, and apathy infect the Iraqi government….Slum dwellers have pirated satellite dishes, illegally siphoned electricity, and illegally diverted water. The Maliki government does not recognize the existence of the camps.

Pretty dismal, eh…
She mentions some unspecified

….pockets of success and signs of hope amid utter despair

There is a nice pic of our kids handing out blankets to the poor. We all know the troops try to help the Iraqis, and we know how cute the Iraqi kids are. And she tries to make it seem like Iraqis want us there (we know that’s not true). But painting schools and handing out a few blankets doesn’t change what is going on there. I think Malkin has helped to make clear that American troops are not going to be able to remake Iraq.

Oops. Not sure that’s what Tony Snow had in mind for Michelle.

And I’m sure the post will be scrubbed or edited radically before long. So run on over and check it out, maybe somebody can do some screen shots and save it while it’s still up.

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Filed under Bill Kristol: is he smarter than you?, Condoleezza Rice: tell me again, what is her job?, George W. Bush: is he really THAT bad?, Iraq, Michelle Malkin's latest brain fart, Middle East

One response to “Tony Snow’s “Warrior” in Iraq, Michelle Malkin, documents utter failure

  1. Jason357

    MM is just reporting the bad. Just because she’s afraid she might be killed or kidnapped every waking minute, doesn’t mean there isn’t a child laughing somewhere within the technical boundaries of Iraq. Michelle needs to find that laughing child, before the child gets killed or has to flee for survival.

    Now, we just need to get Bill Krystol, Tony Snow, Fred Barnes, Brit Hume, Jim Pinkerton, Charles Craphammer, Laura Ingrahm, Rush Limbaugh, and Shawn Insanity and all of those other maniacs to go on a little field trip to show us how MM’s just fixated on the negative in Iraq, like all of the death and destruction the US government turned loose over there.

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