Monthly Archives: February 2013

Does your child have anal oil leakage from that tuna salad sandwich? This is why we need a strong FDA, people.

Yes, Harvey, those are flies.

Over the Line, Smokey! has never had anal oil leakage but sympathizes with those whose drawers may have suffered such an insult.

A whopping 84% of ‘white tuna’ was actually escolar, the snake mackerel fish that causes oily anal leakage and was banned by the FDA until 1992. It is still banned in Japan, Italy, and requires warning labels regarding the leaky discharge in Canada, Sweden, and Denmark.

I hope our horrified readers will vote to support and strengthen the important government agencies that should be protecting us from these sorts of things, but of course these are the agencies that the richest of the rich are trying to eliminate. You know, Mitt Romney et al doesn’t eat white tuna from a can. Of course, he also doesn’t give an oil about our libraries, fire protection, post office, roads, mass transit, gun control and other things that the commoners use. Republicans want to weaken all government agencies so they can sell more stuff that ruins our underwear, without interference from the law, the truth, accurate labeling or common sense. Over the Line, Smokey! simply asks Americans to WAKE THE FUCK UP!

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Conjecture: Pope resigns in order to spend more time helping with Jerry Sandusky’s appeal?

Will the Pope say the NCAA should have just transferred Sandusky to another school?
So far, OTL,S! has received no confirmation of this seemingly far-out speculation. If such confirmation is received, be assured that OTL,S! will be on top of the story.

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GOP bankrupting the Postal Service and other community services not needed by the rich.

Kiss your mailman good-bye.

Kiss your mailman good-bye.

The conservative bastion Washington Post reports the demise of Saturday postal deliveries, related to the looming bankruptcy of the USPS. The Post article blames it on the internet. Ha ha. (Over the Line, Smokey! doesn’t link to that rag.)

The USPS is going bankrupt because in 2006 the Republicans in Congress snuck through a bill forcing the USPS to fully fund future pensions, a requirement not faced by other branches of government or the private sector. The object was and is to bankrupt the Postal Service and put them out of business. Rich people, unlike the great majority of citizens, don’t need or want the Postal Service or its home delivery or the many services offered at the post office. And, privatization of delivery services will enrich our already rich corporations like UPS, and convert decent career postal jobs into frantic lowpaid delivery boys racing brown trucks around our neighborhoods. It is just another variation on the privatization of our prison system (which as a private enterprise now lobbies legislatures and Congress to imprison more people for longer periods.) And of course all across the country, these “conservatives” are trying to cut library funding, fire fighting capabilities, and other community services and infrastructure that rich people don’t need. It’s the reverse of the process of building civilization and communities that our ancestors worked so hard for.

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