Does your child have anal oil leakage from that tuna salad sandwich? This is why we need a strong FDA, people.

Yes, Harvey, those are flies.

Over the Line, Smokey! has never had anal oil leakage but sympathizes with those whose drawers may have suffered such an insult.

A whopping 84% of ‘white tuna’ was actually escolar, the snake mackerel fish that causes oily anal leakage and was banned by the FDA until 1992. It is still banned in Japan, Italy, and requires warning labels regarding the leaky discharge in Canada, Sweden, and Denmark.

I hope our horrified readers will vote to support and strengthen the important government agencies that should be protecting us from these sorts of things, but of course these are the agencies that the richest of the rich are trying to eliminate. You know, Mitt Romney et al doesn’t eat white tuna from a can. Of course, he also doesn’t give an oil about our libraries, fire protection, post office, roads, mass transit, gun control and other things that the commoners use. Republicans want to weaken all government agencies so they can sell more stuff that ruins our underwear, without interference from the law, the truth, accurate labeling or common sense. Over the Line, Smokey! simply asks Americans to WAKE THE FUCK UP!

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