Category Archives: media

Guinness Book of World Records recognizes new Biggest Jerk

actual photo of the new champion, standing over the unconscious woman

Rich bully in Louisiana knocks out daughter of woman he was smearing, after she pulled down a banner. The Rude Pundit on 2/27/12 has the back story: A radiologist got pissed off at a newspaper for running a story about an absurd tax break he was using. So he began a smear campaign against the publisher, putting up billboards, etc. Then he smeared her with a float in a Mardi Gras parade. When the publisher’s daughter pulled off one of the banners, the radiologist jumped off the float and “allegedly” cold cocked her. Then he “allegedly” stood over her unconscious body and photographed her. The colossal jerk could lose his medical license. That would be a shame, since he seems to believe in all those important doctor things, what are they called, oh yes, the Hippocratic Oath, helping people, all that.

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Filed under jerk, media

Film review: Persepolis

This is a feature-length black and white animation in French, with subtitles. It is the story of a girl growing up in post-Shah Iran. The film is surprisingly moving at times, and generally informative, but it is rather long and, let’s face it, a little boring. It has won a number of awards, and rightly so, but don’t expect miracles.

I am constantly annoyed by the portrayal of Iranian history as starting at the time the Shah was overthrown. The overthrow of the democratically elected leader of Iran by Britain and the US, and the installation of the Shah, set the stage for the revolution and repression that has followed. It’s all about the oil, today as it was back in the 50’s. Don’t let the oily president and vice president of the US fool you.

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Filed under Bill Kristol: is he smarter than you?, Bush blunders worldwide, Countdown to attack on Iran, Dick Cheney: Hannibal Lector in disguise?, George W. Bush: is he really THAT bad?, global warming/environment, Iran, Iraq, John McCain for president of Del Boca Vista, media, Movies, perpetual war: fascism in disguise, Republican politicians: are any of them normal, Texas, Wordpress Political Blogs

Great video: Fox “News” is a festival of ignorance

Once in a while reality rears its ugly head.

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Filed under Bill Kristol: is he smarter than you?, Bush blunders worldwide, Countdown to attack on Iran, Dick Cheney: Hannibal Lector in disguise?, George W. Bush: is he really THAT bad?, Iraq, media, perpetual war: fascism in disguise, Politics, Republican politicians: are any of them normal, Wordpress Political Blogs

MSNBC’s David Shuster suspended for suggesting Clinton “pimped out” Chelsea


On Thursday’s “Tucker” on MSNBC, David Shuster, who was serving as guest-host of the program, made a comment about Chelsea Clinton and the Clinton campaign that was irresponsible and inappropriate. Shuster, who apologized this morning on MSNBC and will again this evening, has been suspended from appearing on all NBC News broadcasts, other than to make his apology. He has also extended an apology to the Clinton family. NBC News takes these matters seriously, and offers our sincere regrets to the Clintons for the remarks.


Filed under bigotry and prejudice, Hillary Clinton:what does she stand for?, media, Politics, Wordpress Political Blogs

Dr. Robert Jarvik, inventor of the fake rowing scene for Lipitor


Congress has been asking some tough questions while wearing their serious faces about why Dr. Richard Jarvik (inventor of the Jarvik artificial heart) is shilling Lipitor when he’s not actually licensed to practice medicine.

ABC News says that Dr. Jarvik has been paid a guaranteed $1.35 million for the ads, which feature him espousing the virtues of Lipitor in a doctoriffic-looking lab coat and rowing around a lake talking about “when diet and exercise aren’t enough.”

Here’s our favorite part of the story—the New York Times says that Dr. Jarvik uses a stunt double when he’s shown rowing in the commercials.

As it turns out, Dr. Jarvik, 61, does not actually practice the sport. The ad agency hired a stunt double for the sculling scenes.
“He’s about as much an outdoorsman as Woody Allen,” said a longtime collaborator, Dr. O. H. Frazier of the Texas Heart Institute. “He can’t row.”


Filed under celebrities in the news, economics, food/drink, healthcare, Humor, media, Outdoors

Bush/Cheney/Mukasey tries to suppress the press

Spencer Ackerman:

The Justice Department is going after New York Times reporter Jim Risen for the non-crime of revealing President Bush’s illegal domestic surveillance program. It’s pathetic and unsurprising—a fixture of Bush Justice—that the activity DOJ pursues isn’t the blatant illegality of Bush violating the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, but instead the fact that government sources blew the whistle to a great investigative reporter. The right response from the press, and the public, is to put one arm around Risen and, with the other arm, extend a single finger in the direction of the Justice Department.

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Filed under Dick Cheney: Hannibal Lector in disguise?, George W. Bush: is he really THAT bad?, media, perpetual war: fascism in disguise, Politics, Republican politicians: are any of them normal, White House emails, Wordpress Political Blogs

Post mortem on the Edwards campaign

Eric Alterman:

On John Edwards: The Edwards campaign was a surreal experience that should inspire a doctoral dissertation or two. He was both the most progressive candidate on issues and the most electable on paper, and yet he did not get the support of most progressives or most professionals. This despite the fact that he actually ran a terrific campaign and, more than Obama and Hillary, defined it in a positive direction. That he forced the other candidates to respond did not end up mattering as much as the media’s fascination with all things Clintonian, Obamian, and the egregiously awful coverage of Edwards. The Washington Post deserves special mention for its idiotic 1,300-word piece on his haircut and an even longer one on his house. Richard Cohen and Michael Dobbs both called him a liar and presented no evidence. The editorial board attacked him constantly. The New York Times also went in for the “How can you care about poor people when you’re so rich?” line of questioning, which implies that poor people are unentitled to representation in the American political system, since it allows for only wealthy people to run. And Maureen Dowd was her usual awful, substanceless self, helping to set the tone for the rest, to the shame of all of us.

No one can win the presidency with a campaign whose primary focus is poverty. To think it could be done was foolish. The American electorate, the “middle class,” don’t like poor people and don’t identify with them, and don’t understand the universal benefits of eliminating poverty in this country. Had Edwards, instead, come out with a single-payer, tax-supported healthcare program he would have had a much better chance, because most Americans recognize that healthcare is a huge problem.

Too bad. He would have been a great president, I think.


Filed under John Edwards: has he reinvented himself?, media, Politics, Wordpress Political Blogs

Yes, Bill O’Reilly, there really are 200,000 homeless vets


On last night’s O’Reilly Factor, host Bill O’Reilly challenged John Edwards’ claim that 200,000 veterans “will go to sleep under bridges and on grates” because they are homeless. O’Reilly said, “They may be out there, but there’s not many of them out there. Okay? … If you know where’s a veteran, sleeping under a bridge, you call me immediately, and we will make sure that man does not do it.” The Washington Post checked into Edwards’ claim and reported that the Department of Veterans Affairs does indeed report that about 195,000 veterans are “homeless on any given night.”

And more on the way…..


Filed under Afghanistan, Bill Kristol: is he smarter than you?, Bush blunders worldwide, economics, George W. Bush: is he really THAT bad?, healthcare, Iraq, John Edwards: has he reinvented himself?, media, people with plastic hair, perpetual war: fascism in disguise, Politics, Republican politicians: are any of them normal, Wordpress Political Blogs

CNN’s John King exposes himself.

no, not THAT way….

Glenn Greenwald put up a transcript of John King’s fawning interview with John McCain, as an example of the sort of crap that masqerades as journalism these days. King responded with this petulant diatribe, which says so much more about King than Greenwald ever could:

I don’t read biased uninformed drivel so I’m a little late to the game.

But a friend who understands how my business works and knows a little something about my 20 plus years in it sent me the link to your ramblings.

Since the site suggests you have law training, maybe you forgot that good lawyers to a little research before they spit out words.

Did you think to ask me or anyone who works with me whether that was the entire interview? No. (It was not; just a portion used by one of the many CNN programs.)

Did you reach out to ask the purpose of that specific interview? No.

Or how it might have fit in with other questions being asked of other candidates that day? No.

Or anything that might have put facts or context or fairness into your critique. No.

McCain, for better or worse, is a very accessible candidate. If you did a little research (there he goes with that word again) you would find I have had my share of contentious moments with him over the years.

But because of that accessibility, you don’t have to go into every interview asking him about the time he cheated on his sixth grade math test.

The interview was mainly to get a couple of questions to him on his thoughts on the role of government when the economy is teetering on the edge of recession, in conjunction with similar questions being put to several of the other candidates.

The portion you cited was aired by one of our programs — so by all means it is fair game for whatever “analysis” you care to apply to it using your right of free speech and your lack of any journalistic standards or fact checking or just plain basic curiosity.

You clearly know very little about journalism. But credibility matters. It is what allows you to cover six presidential campaigns and be viewed as fair and respectful, while perhaps a little cranky, but Democrats and Republicans alike. When I am writing something that calls someone’s credibility into question, I pick up the phone and give them a chance to give their side, or perspective.

That way, even on days that I don’t consider my best, or anywhere close, I can look myself in the mirror and know I tried to be fair and didn’t call into question someone’s credibility just for sport, or because I like seeing my name on a website or my face on TV.

John King: his hair is perfect.

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Filed under John McCain for president of Del Boca Vista, media, people with plastic hair

Keith Olbermann runs MSNBC !! sort of.


If MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann were to write a book about Office Politics 101, he’d call it “Do As I Write, Not As I Did for 20 Years.” Olbermann discusses office politics and other issues in the February issue of Men’s Journal magazine, out yesterday.

In the interview with Paul Tullis, one focus is Olbermann’s habit of, “trashing people publicly, even his employers.”

But he seems to be doing well for himself in the office now. Tullis cites a senior executive at MSNBC, who says, “Keith runs MSNBC. It’s been an amazing turnaround, because two years ago they were going to cancel him. Because of his success, he’s in charge. Chris Matthews is infuriated by it.”

The article also touches on Olbermann’s goals, in the context of his main competition, Fox News Channel. “I’d like it to be the accurate counterweight to Fox. My attitude is not to counterbalance them because they’re conservatives; it’s counterbalancing because some of their stuff is outlandishly in violation of every tenet of responsible broadcasting,” he says.


Filed under Bush blunders worldwide, George W. Bush: is he really THAT bad?, Keith Olbermann: voice in the wilderness, media