“Condi, this man will help you clean out your desk and see you out…”

Last week, the neocons let it be known that they wanted Condi Rice to get booted under the bus upstairs, across the street, somewhere….now they are making it clear that they aren’t kidding. Rice, is now thoroughly discredited and on the way out the door.

Her not-very-magical mystery tour of the Middle East was a humiliation and a diplomatic disaster, culminating in her “non-grata” non-stop in Lebanon. However, she tried to bounce back. In the past three days, Rice has tried to speak for the Israelis (announcing a 48 hour cessation of bombing) and for her husband President George W. Bush (predicting an end to the fighting within a week.)

How are those workin out for ya, Condi?

Read this piece and see how Condi has been squashed like a bug.
There sometimes comes a moment in one’s employment when becomes aware that the skids are greased. Locks get changed, desk moved, meetings held without you, nobody wants to talk with you, boss can’t make a time to sit down with you.

That moment has arrived for Condi Rice, and somebody as smart as she is should realize it.  For whatever reason, I feel sorry for her. She has foolishly sold out the country, and her personal integrity and her reputation and her legacy…for what? the temporary kindnesses of, well, it’s hard to characterize her boss in human terms, so I won’t try.

Give it up Condi, you aren’t in their league in any way, shape or form. Write a book, whatever. I am sure that they are lining up a job in the private sector to cover your exit. Take it, accept the Medal of Freedom, smile, and be gone while you still have your health and a government pension. The next round of disgrace will be much worse if you don’t. That’s the way they work.

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Filed under Condoleezza Rice: tell me again, what is her job?, George W. Bush: is he really THAT bad?, Iran, Iraq, Middle East, Politics

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